Friday, October 7, 2011

Chalk Sidewalk Art

Yesterday students learned about mythical monsters from across time and around the world. They then watched a video on a CBS featured artist that makes 3D chalk sidewalk art. They worked in groups to sketch and color a design. They were required to show some kind of 3D element: foreshorting, perspective, shading depth shadows, and highlights. Students did great and had fun!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Moving into Color

2D Art 1 is starting color pencil projects.

Rope and Rock

Students create a still life using rope and rocks. They drew and shaded them.

Geometric Shapes

2D Art 1 students did a pencil drawing of white geometric shapes.

Deconstructing Text

Graphic Design students Deconstructed 3 letters in a Artwork. They were challenged to use letters as a design element with no specific meaning.