Students deconstructed text using scissors cut out three letter forms of varying sizes from white paper, and their counter forms from black paper. They used as the basic elements to form black paper. The letters were used as the basic elements to explore the dynamics of form and space. The letters were not intended to have a specific meaning, but as familiar form. The letters should avoid becoming pure abstractions and maintain a basic sense of meaning as to whether they are upright, tilted or upside-down, which adds to the sense of dynamics within the composition. This project is designed to help students look at design as only a design with no meaning.
Areas Being Graded
Available Points
Design Requirements: Did the student create black and white design that show form, space, and balance? Is the work approximately 50% white to 50% black? Did the student choose 2 or 3 different letters and show them in upper case, lower case, black, and white? Did the student rotate some of the letters? Did the student use the letters to make design, and not a specific meaning?
Originally and Creativity: Did the student use an inventive, creative approach, designing novel artwork in an original way?
Effort: Did the student use project time wisely, follow instructions, use the correct materials and procedure, help in clean up, and make an effort to understand the purpose and goals of the assignment?
Workmanship: Did the student complete the project using clean and precise lines, neatly finished with excellent craftsmanship, proper mixing and or application techniques with each medium?